The Mission
So, the story starts way back in 2007 when I was in junior high school. I felt like I had something to say and wanted to say it in a big way. Facebook wasn't enough. Just telling my friends wasn't enough. So, I came up with something that would grab attention. I decided to make sandwich sign boards with my messages on them and I would wear them all day at school. Not surprisingly, it was a hit. Everyone wanted to read them! Well, flash forward to the last two weeks of my senior year in high school. I had the urge again. Another not so surprising thing about the signs was the massive inconvenience and discomfort, so I had a better idea. I bought a bunch of blank t-shirts and wrote my messages on them with a sharpie. I made a new one everyday for two weeks. Some were song lyrics, some just a single word like "FEARLESS", some were phrases I had come up with. And yet again, everyone was stopping me in the halls trying to read what my shirt said! I was amazed and knew I was on to something.
Now, the urge is back, but this time I'm asking for help to spread the word. The message is simple: Love one another, believe in yourself and others, and go for your wildest dreams. It's all about being who you want to be, your best version. I believe everyone is capable of that and deserves that!